History of Post CR10

Since our charter in 1957, our American Legion Post has been welcoming veterans from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends, and families.


To the wonderful patriotic citizens of Costa Rica, join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. Most of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring scholarships for our children, give aid and assistance to our local needy veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.


The Congress of The United States passed the Enabling Act that created The American Legion on September 16th, 1919. Subsequently, the National Constitution and By-Laws were adopted at the First Annual Convention on November 10-11th, 1919.


The Department of Panama received its charter in 1920 and our Post was founded on March 12th, 1957 and received its Charter on September 10th, 1965. Little is known of the Post until the merger of the Departments of Mexico and Panama in 1994. However, there has been a constant effort to legalize our existence by adopting a Constitution. The first known Constitution was adopted on July 29th, 1975.


July 29th, 1975The American Legion, Costa Rica Post 10, Department of the Panama Canal
July 28th, 1985The American Legion, Costa Rica Post 10, Department of the Panama Canal
September 9th, 1986Legión Americana Puesto Diez
June 1st, 1996American Legion, Costa Rica Post 10, Department of Mexico
January 31, 1997Veteranos de Guerra Escazú Diez
October 30th, 2000Legión Americana de Escazú, Sociedad Anónima
November 2nd, 2009Asociación Legión Americana Puesto CR Uno Cero
April 20th, 2015Asociación Legión Americana Puesto Diez Costa Rica

For some reason, all these constitutions were allowed to lapse with the exception of the constitution of 2015. At some point in 2015, the Post adopted the name Harold L LeClaire after a long time member and veteran of World War One.




We have an Auxiliary that was originally chartered as an adjunct to Costa Rica Post16, but on March 4th, 2016, was chartered as part of Post CR10. We do not currently have a Squadron of Sons of The Legion.