December 2022 Meeting

Chuck Turner indicated that our current bank balance had not changed from the last meeting and was currently $1,492.50. Matt mentioned that he had talked with Ken Johnson over the phone and he had indicated that he would match any contribution to the post up to $25. Matt was not sure if there was a ... Read more

November 2022 Meeting

Chuck indicated that our current bank balance was $1,642.53, the same as reported at our last meeting. Chuck also indicated that he had spoken with a friend from the American Colony Committee (ACC), Grace Godman. She has agreed to donate to us the remainder of their kitty in the near future. Chuck was asked by Ervin ... Read more

February 2020 Meeting

Several things were discussed including: A new meeting place since the TapHouse will be moving. The need to have all members obtain and fill out the Personal Affair Workbook. With the Commander leaving on May 1st, we took nominations for the positions of Commander, Service Officer, and 1st Vice Commander. Pat Kilburn, Post Commander, advised ... Read more

January 2020 Meeting

This month American Legion met at Tap House in Escazu Village. For some people the trip to the new location was harder and for others easier. We will stay at this location for several months and see how it is. We all felt the food was much better. We discussed several items including the departure ... Read more

November 2019 Meeting

This month, we had a pretty good group attend. We discussed moving our meetings to The Tap House in Escazu starting on Jan 8, 2020. Additionally, we discussed the trip to the Cabecar people at the end of this month. Dues need to be paid because our bank account is very low. We are trying ... Read more

October 2019 Meeting

We had a great meeting on October 9th. We discussed many topics which included information Matt and Pat received from the U.S. Embassy. Embassy personnel told us about U.S. Passports and what to do if they are lost and what to do with the passport if the person dies. We also changed our elections from ... Read more

September 2019 Meeting

We discussed the events that happened on Sept 11, 2001 and the meaning of Patriot Day. We had a great attendance with 2 new members. We discussed the Veterans Day Event which will be coming up in November. The importance of completing the Personal Affairs Workbook was discussed.

July 2019 Meeting

We discussed our participation in the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Parque Nacional and the Independence Day Event at Avenida Escazu. We need to have everyone’s address so that we can send people in their respective areas to local veteran funerals. Again, we stated the importance of the veterans to have their personal information available to ... Read more

May 2019 Meeting

We discussed painting the American Legion crypts located at San Antonio de Escazú cemetery. The painting will be completed for our Memorial Day ceremony on May 27th at 11AM. We discussed our Facebook Page and this webpage and our QR code. A reminder that the dues need to be collected on July 1st for the ... Read more

April 2019 Meeting and Vietnam Pin Ceremony

Our meeting was a very special meeting. The first part of our meeting the presentation of Lapel Pin from the United States Vietnam War Commemoration Commission, of which we are a partner. Several news agencies were invited along with all Vietnam Era veterans living in Costa Rica. Gloria Berbena, the Embassy's Deputy Chief of Mission, ... Read more

March 2019 Meeting

Topics that were discussed included: Changing the meeting day to the SECOND Wednesday of the month. We talked about how great the Valentine’s Day Event was. Discussed the upcoming presentation of the Vietnam War Commemoration pin ceremony and the upcoming Memorial Day. We spoke about Facebook and website postings. We identified the need for a ... Read more

January 2019 Meeting

On this occasion, we met on the second Wednesday of the month because of conflicts with the New Year's Day events. We discussed the following items: We discussed preparing for the presentation of the Vietnam War Commemorative pins. We also discussed obtaining a "Declaration of Public Utility" which would allow donations made to the Post ... Read more

December 2018 Meeting

We discussed the Marine Corps Ball and Remembrance Day Celebration both of which occurred in November. Additionally, we discussed the procedure to follow to get a "Declaration of Public Utility" (DPU). The DPU would make it possible to receive donations from businesses and those donations would be tax deductible for the businesses. We discussed the ... Read more

November 2018 Meeting

The primary purpose of this meeting was to elect new officers. Officers were elected to all the positions.   Congratulations to all the dedicated veterans for stepping up and taking on the officer responsibilities.   Additionally, we presented the remaining awards to those veterans that could not attend the Awards Ceremony on October 24th.

October 2018 Meeting

The meeting had a good attendance and numerous topics were discussed. The Awards Luncheon, to be held on October 24, 2018 at noon at Casa de Espana. The election of officers to be held on November 7, 2018 at noon at Casa de España. The Marine Corps Ball on November 10th and Remembrance Day on ... Read more

July 2018 Meeting

The monthly meeting for July was on July 4th Independence Day. This was more of an informal meeting where we played patriotic songs, and ate hamburgers and hot dogs.   We had almost 30 people and among them were several members of the Marine Corps League.   We hope that next year we can have ... Read more

May 2018 Meeting

This month we had a good group of veterans. We discussed the upcoming Memorial Day celebration which will occur on Sunday, May 27th, 2018 at 11:00 AM, when the former commandant of the Marine Corps League will be laid to rest in one of our plots at the Escazú cemetery. Additionally, we talk about the ... Read more

April 2018 Meeting

This was another informal meeting with only a few people attending. We did have a good discussion on all topics. This was the second meeting on a Saturday, which people had requested, and very few people showed up. Due to the low attendance, we will be returning meetings to the first Wednesday of the month.

March 2018 Meeting

This was an informal meeting because many members were unaware of the date change.

December 2017 Meeting

Our meeting featured the Vice Consul of the US Embassy, Xavier Billingsly as guest speaker.